Protect your loved ones.
Life insurance is so important because
tomorrow isn’t promised, but we can promise our loved ones that they’re protected
in the event of unforeseen events. Think about debts. How much income would need to be replaced if you were no longer here?
Life insurance provides financial security that can help to pay your mortgage, pay for daily living expenses, cover medical expenses, and even final expenses, like funeral costs, so that your loved ones aren’t left struggling.
Call for a quote: 586-484-8946

What are the different types of life insurance?
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance covers a specific time period during which you pay a premium for that period of time, typically between 10 and 30 years, and if you die during that time a cash benefit is paid to your family (or anyone else you name as your beneficiary).
This money is used to replace income that’s lost due to the death of the insured. It can help pay bills, future expenses, and even burial costs.
Whole Life Insurance
If the policy terms are met, whole life insurance lasts for an insured’s lifetime, as opposed to term life insurance, which is for a specific amount of years.
Whole life insurance guarantees payment of a death benefit to beneficiaries in exchange for level, regularly-due premium payments that won’t change. The policy also includes a savings portion, called the “cash value,” alongside the death benefit.
At Health Benefits of Michigan, you get personalized service that is based on your needs & your budget, because taking care of yourself and your family is the most important thing there is in this life.
Frequently Asked Questions about Life Insurance
Policies through an employer usually offer coverage that is about 1-2X your annual salary, but that is only a small fraction of the coverage you actually need. It is recommended that you have coverage that is about 10X your salary, which is why many people buy their own individual term policies to supplement any coverage they have through their employer.
Life insurance can help cover some of life’s biggest expenses. It can cover mortgage payments, debt, your children’s college tuition, other living expenses, and it can also replace lost income.
All U.S. citizens and permanent residents ages 20-85 can apply for life insurance coverage.
The easiest way to answer this question is by asking yourself this: “Do I have anyone dependent on my salary to sustain their standard of living?”
If you were to pass, would those still alive have issues covering the cost of your burial? Covering rent, mortgage payments, or other bills? What about medical costs? Would they have enough money to cover those and still maintain their normal life or would they be in trouble?
If the answer to any of these is “Yes, they would have trouble covering this,” then you should consider what life insurance options work best for you and your family.
To apply for life insurance, ask any questions you have about life insurance, and find out which life insurance will work best for you, call 586-484-8946.
What Makes Us Different?
We pride ourselves in providing tailored services and quotes that align with your budget, your doctors, and current prescription needs. It is important for us to ensure you can continue seeing the doctors who matter most to you and maintain access to the medications you rely on.
At our agency, we go beyond offering assistance with Medicare, life insurance, and health insurance – we offer personalized support for all your insurance needs and much more.
As a trusted partner, we are contracted with a wide range of insurance companies, allowing us to serve clients throughout Michigan, Idaho, and Florida. Whether you prefer the convenience of self-service enrollment or would like personalized assistance, we’re here to accommodate your preferences.
To discover more about the plans available to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via phone or email. We look forward to helping you make an informed decision about your insurance coverage.
Other Ways We Can Help You with Insurance Needs for All Areas of Life

Ameritas. No waiting periods.
United Concordia. Rich benefits. No waiting periods.
Delta Dental. With & without waiting periods.
For Cigna, Blue Cross and more, call for up-to-date pricing.

For available Medicare plans, BCBS, BCN, HAP, WELLCARE, AARP-UHC, AETNA, just to name a few. Please contact me for pricing and availability.
-PART A (HOSPITALIZATION) Inpatient for hospital, skilled nursing facility,
hospice, home health care FREE
services, lab, physical therapy, MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Etc. $164.90/Month*
-PART D (PERSCRIPTION ONLY) $premium/or included in medicare advantage
-MEDIGAP (SUPPLEMENT) $$ premium/month Medical only
-Does not include RX, Dental, Vision, Hearing buy as stand alone plans
-Sold through private insurance companies, not guaranteed into these
plans unless your new to medicare part B and other special enrollment
-MEDICARE ADVANTAGE $ very low cost per month
-Does include RX, Dental, Vision, Hearing and other additional benefits
-Like Silver Sneakers, OTC allowances, meals after hospital stays
-Government run policies, guaranteed enrollment
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.
Travel Health Insurance
Traveling can sometimes require additional insurance. Get more information and contact me for personalized help.
GeoBlue Travel

Life Insurance

Whether you’re 1 or in your 60s, life insurance is important and necessary to protect you and your loved ones. Tomorrow isn’t promised, but we can promise our loved ones that they’re protected in the event of unforeseen events. Call for more information.